When Students or Staff Become Ill

Updated May 22, 2024:
New isolation practices can be reviewed below. A 5-day isolation period is no longer required.

qr code to covidreporting email address STAFF: Report your positive case. Use the QR code for easy access to the CO
VID reporting email address 


1.  I
f you test positive for COVID-19: 1. Stay home until you have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication AND other COVID-19 symptoms are mild and improving.

2.  Follow CDPH Respiratory Viruses Guidance

Parents/guardians still need to report the COVID-19, Flu, RSV or other confirmed diagnosis when contacting the school office to report their student's absence.
Contact your school nurse or healthcare provider for further guidance.

Got Symptoms?

Symptoms of COVID-19 illness can be as mild as a headache, stomachache, or fatigue

 See the full list of COVID-19 Symptoms from the CDC

If a student or employee responds has a temperature of 100.4 or a new onset of any symptoms of illness:

  • Stay home, regardless of vaccination status
  • Test for COVID-19 with an at home rapid antigen kit
  • Symptomatic student at school may be asked to wear a mask and monitored until parent/guardian is contacted
  • Symptomatic students/staff at school may receive a rapid antigen test kit.


If a student or staff member who has symptoms of COVID-19 receives a negative COVID-19 test result:

  • Student or employee is able to return to school when they are fever-free and other symptoms are improved
Screening for Illness in Symptomatic Students

Health Services staff or designee are encouraged to wear a face mask while assisting students with symptoms of illness.

Symptomatic students may be asked to wear a mask while being assessed

Symptomatic students may take a rapid antigen test before leaving campus.

  • Positive test result: Student required to isolate per current CDPH guidance.
  • Negative test result: Student required to stay home until fever-free without fever-reducing medication and other symptoms have improved
COVID-19 Testing Information

CDPH recommends that antigen tests be considered the primary option for detecting COVID-19 in schools, compared to PCR tests.

PCR VS. RAPID ANTIGEN: better understand the difference between two important types of COVID-19 tests. COVID-19 TESTING GUIDANCE

Tests are available at your school site office.

Reporting and Notification Protocols

COVID-19 is a part of the communicable disease landscape. In order to prioritize health and safety, DJUSD follows CDPH, Cal/OSHA and Yolo County Health Department protocols related to positive COVID-19 cases.

Tracking and notification of individual student COVID-19 cases is no longer required. However, staff must report to the District per Cal/OSHA guidelines.

Daily district-wide notification of COVID-19 cases is no longer recommended.