Injury Prevention and Safety for Kids

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First Aid and General Safety

Being prepared is one of the best ways you can keep yourself safe and healthy, but it’s impossible to prevent all accidents and injuries. Talk to your parents about what you should do if an accident occurs and how and when you should call 911 to get help.

What happens when you have a concussion? | Ted Ed

This video describes what a concussion actually does to the brain and why a concussion should be treated. Great for Grades 4 and up!


Injury Prevention and Safety Activities for Kids and Families Injury | Kohl's Cares Word jumbles, crosswords, and games on how to stay safe and injury-free!
Tell People No Crossword | KidSmartz
A trusted adult is someone you can talk to when you have questions or feel unsafe or scared. A trusted adult is a good listener, cares about your feelings, and makes you feel safe. A trusted adult may be a grownup who lives with you, a teacher, a doctor or nurse, or a police officer or firefighter. Can you think of someone in your life who is a trusted adult? Draw a picture of your trusted adult.

Home Safety

Keeping your home safe is a job for everyone! Here are some things you can do to keep your home safe:
  • Pick up your toys when you are done playing so no one trips or steps on them
  • Don’t open the front door for strangers without permission from your grown up
  • Shut open drawers or cabinets
  • Stay away from chemicals and cleaning products unless you have permission from a grown up
  • Don’t touch electrical outlets
  • Don’t touch or take any medication unless your grown up has given it to you
  • Never use electrical appliances (things that plug in) near water
  • Avoid climbing on the furniture
  • Don’t play with fire
  • Know your family’s emergency escape plan

Stay Safe Together! | Electrical Safety Tips for Kids from OG&E

Great for Grades 1 and up!


Home Fire Escape Plan | Safe Kids Worldwide Use this grid to make a fire safety plan for your family.
10 Ingredients for a Safe Kitchen | KidsHealth Cut out the “ingredients” and learn how to prevent injuries and food poisoning in the kitchen
Home Safety with Rover Activity Book | Safe Kids Worldwide Lots of activities to learn about ways to keep safe in your home.
Fire Safety Word Search


Monster Guard | Red Cross Learn about how to prepare for emergencies at home! Great for Grades 2 - 6!

Outdoor and Road Safety

In 1967, the City of Davis wanted to try out a bike lane, which had only been used in Europe at the time. The citizens of Davis loved the new bike lane, so the city installed the first official bike lanes in the United States. Now, Davis has over 100 miles of bike lanes and bike paths, and many people ride their bikes to work or school everyday. This means that everyone needs to be very careful when they are on the road as a pedestrian, as a bike rider, or in a car. Davis and Highwheel Bike History



Bicycle Safety Hand Signals | KidsHealth It is important to know how to signal when you are biking. Practice using these bicycle hand signals then show your grownup.
Bike Safety Handout Color the helmet and promise to always wear one when riding a bike.
Family Communication Plan | FEMA Talk to your family about what to do if there is an emergency by filling out this Family Communication Plan. After you make your plan, have a family emergency drill.
Traffic Signals Walk: Go on a walk with your family and pay close attention to the traffic signs you see. When you get home, draw a picture of three traffic signs you saw and talk to your parents about what they mean!


How to Not Get Hit by a Car: 7 Common Ways It Happens | Safe Kids Worldwide Click through this website to learn how to be a safe pedestrian! Great for Grades 2 and up!
Disaster Master | Play games and answer questions about natural disasters, such as wildfires, tornadoes, home fires, and more. Download a Disaster Master graphic novel as you go! Great for Grades 4 and up!