Family Education

In alignment with CDPH guidelines, DJUSD will emphasizes the following:

  • Strongly recommend face coverings worn when indoors for all students, employees, volunteers, and visitors
  • Lunch (and all eating) can occur indoors or outdoors
  • Frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizer 
  • Optimal indoor ventilation which includes MERV 13 air filters in all HVAC systems and two portable air purifiers in every teaching space and office
  • Students and employees should stay home when sick and get tested for COVID-19 when experiencing symptoms
  • Encourage vaccination for all eligible students and employees

Checking for Signs and Symptoms of Illness  screening image

Everyone who is sick is expected to stay home.

Use the Daily Illness Screening Checklist (Spanish) to check your student for wellness every day before they come on campus. Ask about the symptoms included on the checklist and take your child’s temperature. If you identify symptoms of illness for your student, they should stay home from school and get tested.

Report any illness to the school attendance office. COVID-19 home test kits will be available for students with COVID-like symptoms.

To update your student’s health information and/or emergency contacts, please visit the DJUSD Parent Portal. If you don’t remember your login information, click on “Need Your Login Information?”. Under “Re-Enrollment”, click on “Edit This Student Information” to add or update health information or emergency contact information.

If your student becomes ill while at school, you will be contacted and asked to take your child home immediately. Ensure that a parent, guardian, or emergency contact is accessible and readily available to pick your child up from school in case of illness.

Face Coverings face covering image

Face coverings continue to be strongly recommended, but not required at school or school events.  When wearing a face covering: 

  • It should be well-fitted, covering the nose, mouth, and chin and may not have a vent or valve, which is typically a raised plastic piece on the side or front of the mask
  • Choose a high quality N95 (best), KF94/KN95 (better) or medical mask 

In most cases, students and staff may return to work or school once fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication and other symptoms are mild and improving.  For these cases, students and staff should wear a well fitting mask while around others for 5 days. 

Contact your teacher, site principal or school nurse if your student needs a face covering.

Handwashing  handwashing image

Students are expected to wash and sanitize hands frequently.

  • Wash hands with soap and water (warm or cold), rub thoroughly for 20 seconds, use paper towels to dry hands thoroughly
  • Use fragrance-free hand sanitizer when handwashing is not practicable (rub sanitizer into hands until dry)

Students and staff should wash their hands before coming on campus and when they arrive home from school.

At a minimum, students and staff will wash hands with soap and water before eating, after using the restroom, and when hands are visibly dirty when on campus.

Students will also be required to wash or sanitize hands when entering and exiting a classroom and when directed by school staff.

Please refer to the following Wash Your Hands document for further guidance.

Physical Distancing and Limiting Sharing  


Evidence indicates that in-person instruction can occur safely without minimum physical distancing requirements when other mitigation strategies are implemented.  This is consistent with the CDC K-12 School Guidance.