Securing Your DJUSD Technology

Cyber Attacks Happen Everyday

Cyber Attacks have been increasingly growing in the past few years, especially in an education environment. The three top ways "hackers" compromise a network is through out of date software, business email, and duplicate passwords/easy to guess passwords.

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 daily malware attacks worldwide

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 73% of passwords are duplicates

Apps Icon
50% of employees use apps that are not approved

*2018 NBC News Today, Hacking of America: U.S. Under Cyberattack

How Can I Secure My DJUSD Technology?

#1: Windows Update

Windows provides an easy way to be the most secure you can be. While Windows Update can be annoying for some, the primary function is to provide weekly, sometimes daily, security updates to your device. 

Check For Updates
(This button opens Windows settings and only works on Windows devices)

#2: Passwords

We get it, Password1234 is super easy to remember, but is your security more important than your ease of access? Having a unique password for each login that you use is safer than changing your password regularly. 

#3: Email/Outlook Security

Scammers target EDU environments because they can easily access the web for employment information and send emails on other's behalf. Move your mouse over the email text example with a hyperlink below (sorry mobile users, this doesn't work for you). You'll see the popup that says a different URL than the one typed out. Make sure to double check the name of the sender and know what you're clicking on in an email.

DJUSD Tech wants your password
 (do not click, or else...)

Security Quick Links

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Updated: February 2020