Chief Strategy Officer

Maria Clayton
530-757-5300 x151
[email protected]

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The work of the Chief Strategy Officer provides Districtwide leadership in the implementation of the strategic plan, anticipating future opportunities and challenges for the District, maintaining a focused attention on strategic decisions and collaborating with the Superintendent to ensure the clear communication and effective implementation of key organizational priorities. The Chief Strategy Officer is responsible for coordinating and ensuring alignment across various portfolios to support the execution of strategic initiatives and topics under discussion by the Board of Education.

Current Initiatives

Below is a list of current and upcoming initiatives for the 2024 - 25 school year. Check back often as additional information and new initiatives are added.

DJUSD 2023-2028 Strategic Plan
The DJUSD Strategic Plan acts as a roadmap for our school district and is designed to align our organization’s actions to advance our Goals for Student Success and DJUSD's long tradition of excellence, inclusion and belonging. Visit the DJUSD Strategic Plan webpage.

Workforce Housing
Recognizing that high housing costs and long commutes may keep talented people from working in public education, the DJUSD Board and administration DJUSD is embarking on a concerted effort to explore workforce housing and other creative solutions to meet our needs and to fit into our community, as one of several strategies being used to retain, attract and employ exceptional and dedicated talent. Learn more about Workforce Housing.

The Chief Strategy Officer also oversees the District’s Communications Office, Publications Office and California Public Records Act Requests.